Saturday, August 30, 2008

SEO for Wikipedia & online PR implications

With Wikipedia dominant in the Google Search Engine Results Pages, it is important for SEO, but it requires careful treatment. This post explains some approaches and shows how to find the number of visits in wikipedia for different terms

Wikipedia is important for SEO and perhaps more importantly, for online PR (E-PR) since:

* Dominant within Google SERPs (Google's biggest downstream site according and Wikipedias biggest traffic source according to Hitwise)
* Relevant links within introductory Wikipedia articles can generate significant visitors
* Most large brands have pages created for them which you need to monitor and respond to what others are saying about you.

It is less important than it was for inbound links since it implemented the nofollow hyperlink attribute in 2006 which means that PageRank / link juice is not passed onto the destination site for the link.

Here is an excellent post on SEO for Wikipedia. It reviews the main tactics you may want to try including:

* Building a reputation based on adding notable content
* Partipating in the discussion for the page
* Considering developing a separate persona from your official role to post

Many would disagree on the ethics of the last point.

E-consultancy has a more recent discussion on learning best practice in SEO from Wikipedia's own best practice